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Software Development

The task of the software development team is to engineer the illusion of simplicity. - Grady Booch

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Software is the set of instructions that tells a computer what to do. Software development encompasses all of the activities required for software design, deployment, maintenance, and support. Software development starts by working with users to determine the tasks of a software. Once the program is ready to use, software developers are responsible for keeping it updated, fixings hugs and user support.

Online courses are a great way to build up your basic software development skills. You can pick specific courses on Python, C++ etc and learn how to put them in work. Learning software development will work for you if you are enthusiastic about computers, technology and softwares. 

At Techneurs, we provide specialisation and courses in software development address the process of creating software, including development tools and methodologies, programming languages and software architecture and testing.The domain expertise includes IT, retail, telecom, hospitality, and financial services. Techneurs has DevOps specialists on board  and

who offers assistance with cloud migration, DevOps consulting, CI/CD and automation, performance tuning, as well as monitoring and alerting. 

Take your developer skills to the next level with courses on the most popular programming languages, developer tools, software practices and application development platforms. Gain a deep understanding of how to build, deploy, secure, and scale everything from web apps to mobile apps using C++, Java etc. 

Develop the software development skills to move fast and stay ahead! 

At techneurs, we make sure to provide you with tips and tricks that will help you with your software development journey. We make certain to help our clients reach their goals, and aim further. Software development programmes at Techneurs are result driven, uncomplicated and with experienced mentors. Our DevOps engineer analyze the key points, draw a road map and recommend tools and processes to automate deployement cycle across your delivery infrastructure.


Software development at Techneurs is all about result driven findings that help you aim further. Learn software development skills to advance your computing skills with mentors who are experienced! From teaching you from scratch to enhancing your previous skills, Techneurs has got you covered! 

Start Growing with Techneurs today

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